Pulp & Paper Industry Application

Humidity Control

Humidity control can help improve the energy efficiency of drying processes in the pulp and paper industry. These processes include:

  • Yankee Hoods and Through Air Dryers used in tissue manufacturing
  • Air Float dryers and Flakt Dryers for the pulp industry
  • Plywood and fiber board dryers
  • Lime kiln feedback
  • Hog fuel boiler moisture feedback
  • Recovery boiler steam leak detection

For the paper industry, having humidity ratio control has the potential to improve its thermal efficiency, sheet moisture control, and can assist in process diagnostics.

Measuring Humidity

Measuring exhaust humidity using the reliable H2O absolute humidity sensor can be used to signal changes in the sheet moisture. The wet bulb temperature detection helps enhance the throughput and energy efficiency of Flakt dryers as well as an important diagnostic tool for operators and engineers.

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About H2O

For high temperature and humidity control processes in the paper and pulp industry, find out how the H2O humidity sensor provides minimum maintenance and accurate readings for various applications.

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H20 Moisture Sensor Applications

Air heater in-leakage
Dry scrubber control
Environmental reporting
And much more...

Technology Document

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